Carts, Closests, Equipment, and Supplies

1056 - Length: 24 minutes

Video demonstrates proper procedures for loading housekeeping carts, maintaining equipment, managing the housekeeping closet and using cleaning supplies. Video shows how these preparations improve efficiency, simplify housekeeping tasks and help avoid subsequent cleaning errors. Discusses each of these specific subjects: Supply closets, equipment, chemical supplies, supply item care, dust and wet mops, buckets, wringers, and carts.

This is a video that can actually make money for the Environmentalist Services Department. Video information encourages and promotes taking care of equipment and other items so they last longer. This is a must see video!

Available in English/Spanish on DVD/VHS


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This Video is Part of the:

Hospital Housekeeping Series

A comprehensive housekeeping training kit consisting of 16 videos and one illustrated manual.

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